With the development of artificial intelligence, it is now very easy to improve the quality of our photos. We don’t need to use Adobe, Leonardo or similar applications that require manual processing. We can use many artificial intelligence tools to improve the quality of photos that are of poor quality, not focused correctly, produced with AI or that we want to improve the quality of.
Most of the following sites can improve the quality of your photos with limited credits. These are all paid.
and more
But what if I told you that there is a completely free app that doesn’t require any of that?
Here is “Upscayl”. The link to direct access website
This app offers many options and is completely open source and free.
It uses your computer resource to upscale your images.
It helps you improve your photo quality up to 16x. You have to be careful here because the size of the photo may increase but unwanted details may be added.

Many advance features.

By selecting folders, you can make multiple photos quality at the same time without wasting any time.

If you are uploading photos to platforms that accept AI photos such as Adobe Stock, this application is for you. You don’t need any paid tools.